Pay attention to the rewards program, and join the rewards program.
At this time, Tbay has charity events at two schools: Shalom Royal Academy Nur&Pry School and Shalom model school.
From the very beginning, Tbay has been committed to the great and far-reaching charity campaign "donating thousands of schools" in Nigeria.
Your gift card transaction would be more instant, convenient and easier.
To report a fraud, chat with Tbay unique WhatsApp number: +8615658115260
All referees can add the reward for you in each month once you refer them.
Now, what the Tbay App is still doing is to promote fairer gift card transactions. This is Tbay's eternal mission and there's a long way to go.
The first 10,000 sellers will be respectively awarded the 1000 naira worth of vouchers. First come, first served!
These two vital factors contribute to finding the best gift card buyer!
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